March 15 - March 16
Course for everybody.
With Radha C. Luglio.
You know passion yet it rarely translates into love and freedom ?
Do you often find yourself having passionate love affairs that soon become routine and make you feel imprisoned ?
Passion is known to most of us as that fire that burns and makes everything so intense and interesting in life, especially when it’s about sex and love.
But we mostly have experienced that it dies very quickly, leaving us with a sense of disappointment that often becomes blame towards the partner or outward situations.
The usual outcome of all this is that we look again and again for the next thrill, the next partner, etc… just to find out that it’s not going to work.
The cause of this vicious circle resides in 2 main misunderstandings about love and sex dynamics:
1 – we always look for passion to be ignited from outside (partner, situations, etc…)
2 – we think that love and sex are all about experiencing the high peaks and we undervalue the valleys.
In this course you will discover that the root of your passion is right there, inside of yourself.
Practising easy but effective Tantra excercises you will understand how to start a new virtuous circle: from being able to connect with your own source of passion to freely explore this energy without holding it back, so that you can happily share it with others. Then, through meditation, you will then learn how to dive into a different kind of energy, watching a more subtle fire that we call love.
Only when sexual energy is liberated and shared, you can witness a sort of magic transformation happening inside yourself and you will understand how sexual energy becomes love through meditation.
Then you will be able to really share this great gift of love with others, giving and receiving from your abundance.
Love is finally what we are all looking for. Love is just another version of the same passion… and it’s eternal!
– early bird for bookings before January 31st, 2025: 180 euro per person
– bookings after February 1st, 2025: 195 euro per person.
– For couples: 360 euro.
– 30% discount for under 26.