Tantra transforms the sexual act in a meditation by developing your presence and your ability to watch while making love. Thanks to Tantra, the human experience in which you can easier lose yourself becomes a way to find yourself and come back home. But that doesn’t mean that if you don’t have a partner you cannot practice Tantra. Whether you have a partner or not, Tantra uses your sexual energy to expand your awareness. It means that you can practice those special meditation techniques even by yourself. In fact, this is an individual path where you learn to recognize the other as a mirror of your inner masculine and feminine…
Here is a Tantric Meditation for singles, or for all those who recognize the importance of one’s own individual path…
Tantric Meditation: Remembering Union
“This meditation also comes from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.
Shiva says to Devi: “Even remembering union, without embrace, the transformation.”
The feeling of oneness, or state of Tantric unity, that was described in the meditation for couples in the last chapter is not dependent on the presence of a partner. It can be experienced alone. But it is important to have the feeling with your beloved first, then you will be able to recall it and experience it by yourself.
For this exercise, you need to be sure that you are completely alone and will not be disturbed, otherwise you will be too self-conscious and this will prevent you from entering totally into the experience.
Take time to prepare yourself. Have a shower, wash your hair, apply some fragrance, wear something loose and sensual that can be easily removed. Create a sensuous atmosphere in the room.
It will be helpful to dance, stretch and move your body for a few minutes to create a sense of physical aliveness. When you are ready, lie down comfortably, resting on a mattress with some cushions. Lie as if you are with your beloved. Begin to remember how it felt when you made love.
Start to move as if you are making love with your partner. This may feel a little awkward at first, which is why it is important to be sure that you have absolute privacy. Only then can you let yourself go fully into it. Do whatever you normally do with your beloved. Move your legs, your hips, wrap your beloved in an imaginary embrace, moan, groan, slide around on the sheets… let everything unfold as it would with your lover.
Keep the feeling general and not located only in the sexual organs, otherwise you will feel pulled into masturbation, climax and release. This is not the point of the exercise.
You are being invited to create a circle of energy within yourself, embracing both male and female qualities.
Within a few minutes you will begin to feel this circle of energy, this union of the two opposites. You will feel both the male and female energies within yourself, because in fact you have both these energies within your psyche.
As the pioneering psychologist Carl Gustav Jung asserted in the last century, and as Tantra has known for millennia, you have an inner man and an inner woman. They can meet, melt and merge into a circle of energy, bringing a sense of completeness and oneness. This oneness is not just with yourself, not just with your imaginary partner. It links you with the whole cosmos, because as soon as you feel oneness you are in a state of communion with the divine. Then you will know that the other is just a door. Sex is just a door. You can move through the door into a state of oneness with everything, which is also a state of meditation.
Let this experience continue for 30-40 minutes, or as long as it feels pleasurable. In some cases, it can continue for hours.
From: Radha C. Luglio, Tantra a way of living and loving.