In this video, Radha speaks about the importance of being authentic to yourself in order to love the other.
in Osho, Tantralife, VideoTags joyoflife, osho
What is the purpose of all this? What is the right direction?
In this video, Osho reminds us, with his usual sense of humor, that joy is the only possible answer!
The secret is to stop, even in passion!
What to do when emotions are too strong?
How can you be present to everything that happens, enjoying it but without being overwhelmed?
in Radha, VideoTags ego, identification, meditation, personality
Beyond identification
In this video, Radha and Prem Agostino, the conductors of Tantralife Training 2021, talk about how to go beyond the identification with personality.
in Tantralife, VideoTags consciouslove, love, trasformationoflove
Every quarrel is an opportunity to say “I love you”
In this short video, Prem Agostino gives a tip: how to overcome quarrels with our beloveds.
in Tantra, TantralifeTags ego, mindfulness, non-duality, sex, sexuality, tantricsex
Beyond dualism in relationships
Often the difficulties related to the lack of desire or to achieve an erection or orgasm are consequences of a strong mind that creates resistances.