In a time when we are forced to minimize our social interactions, what happened to our sexual energy? Is it natural to rely on self-eroticism? How does Tantra deal with masturbation? Pornography is definitely not the answer, but Tantra is also helpful in a situation like the one we’re living in now. Here is what Radha thinks about it and the Meditation she suggests to transform self-eroticism into a meditation to expand our sexual energy.
There’s nothing wrong with masturbation
“First of all, let’s start from the premise that there is nothing wrong with masturbation and self-eroticism. However, in my view of Tantra, anything that goes in the direction of fantasy is not healthy. Watching porn movies is certainly a pleasant thing, it is a release of energy because you can reach orgasm, but only that remains. You just relax. Instead, the idea of Tantra, especially as I understand it, it’s to return to your natural energy. This does not mean that I am against masturbation. Especially in this lockdown period many people have lost the opportunity to have sex, so why not do it? What you can do is let the pleasure expand throughout your body, rather than just focusing on the genitals and mind, participating with your whole body. You start moving your whole body, you don’t just use your genitals and hands, you involve your whole body, almost imagining that the other person is there with you, touching you, doing things together. At first it requires a little imagination but then it goes in the direction of expansion.
Have you ever heard of the Temples of Khajuraho? You can search the internet, instead of looking for porn movies. In these Temples there are “erotic” sculptures, so to speak, which are representations of divinities involved in all sorts of sexual acts, they are beautiful. When visiting Khajuraho you are invited to look at these sculptures, stare at them and meditate on them by going from temple to temple, one by one. It is a bit like a circuit, a journey that, and in the end you arrive at a Temple that is totally empty. The purpose of these Tantric Temples, and of Tantra, is that you, by taking this journey through all these images of sex, gradually free yourself from all sexual fantasies and finally manage to enter an empty space. But when you stimulate yourself with pornography what happens is that you only stimulate your body and it is not a natural thing. The few times I have watched porn movies I have found that very often there is violence, there are people who beat each other, there is truly a kind of distorted sexual energy. It is your personal choice: you can go on with this old and relaxing habit that allows you to release energy and relax or, if you have enough and you are fed up with it, you can try something different.
There is a beautiful meditation by Osho that we sometimes also practice in groups, it is called Making Love with Yourself. It is very different from masturbating… ”Radha
Extract from the online course THE ORGASMIC BODY
Here is the description of the meditation that you find in Radha’s book, Tantra: A way of living and loving.
“This meditation also comes from Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.
Shiva says to Devi: “Even remembering union, without embrace, the transformation.”…