In this video, Radha and Prem Agostino, the conductors of Tantralife Training 2021, talk about how to go beyond the identification with personality.
Archive for tag: meditation

Are you really free to love?
Many times, because we are frightened by previous experiences, we are not totally in the present moment and we are not able to enjoy all the love that our beloved or the existence itself is giving us.
In this article, Radha replies to a participant and talks about how to get rid of the movies of the past and interact in a conscious way.

Tantra and Self-pleasuring
Pornography is definitely not the answer, but Tantra is also helpful in a situation like the one we’re living in now. Here is what Radha thinks about selfpleasuring and the Meditation she suggests to transform self-eroticism into a meditation to expand our sexual energy...

Truth has nothing to do with your mind. Truth happens!
"If you sit by my side, slowly slowly your mind will start dispersing like the morning mist. Slowly slowly a silence will start penetrating you -- not of your doing, but coming on its own. A stillness will pervade you..." Osho

Kendra, at the centre of your being!
This is the name that Radha gave to the meditation she created in the middle of the pandemic, when we still were in lockdown. It has been a hard time for all of us, nobody knew what was happening and how long it would last.
Fear was the dominant emotion during those days...

You cannot make love, love happens
With these words, Radha Luglio, Osho’s direct disciple and international Tantra teacher for more than twenty years, defines Tantra experience, the ‘whispered transmission’, transmitted for thousands of years as a secret from master to disciple...

Tantra: the transformation of Love
From the bedroom to relationships, love is a considerable challenge, it confronts us with beauty as well as the limits, it makes us experience ecstasy as well as the hell of the judgments of the mind. Tantra can be a truly revolutionary tool in love, in sex, in relationships.It is an alchemy that can completely transform ourselves and our way of being with each other, and its secret is meditation.

Radha Luglio: a mystic or an enlightened one?
It is difficult to define a mystic nowadays with modern words, but perhaps it is easier to recognize him-her by the devotion to the light and to the sacred.
Radha, Tantra teacher and founder of Tantralife, presents herself with words from her heart in this extract of her book: Tantra, A way of living and loving.

A 20 min. meditation by Radha for the energy flow
A meditation in 4 stages created by Radha to release tensions and allow the energy flow.

Guided meditation: “Compassion of the Heart”
A meditation to connect with the transformative power of the heart, inspired by the teachings of Master Atisha (XIth century).
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